Ledger.com/Start® - Getting started (Ledger*

Ledger.Com/Start is a platform that helps you set up and use your Ledger hardware wallet for finance and security. Learn how to discover, secure, and manage your assets with.

Ledger.com/Start® - Getting started (Ledger* | Gitbook)

Ledger Nano is the industry-leading hardware wallet. With more than five million customers, Ledger Nano wallets have several layers of security that protect private keys, and hence your assets: Your private keys are stored on secure element chips. A PIN code and a 24-word recovery phrase are required to access the wallet. Set up your Ledger Nano X as a new device to get started. It will generate new private keys so you can manage your crypto assets. You will also write down a new 24-word recovery phrase. Alternatively, restore your device from a recovery phrase to recover the private keys linked to an existing recovery phrase.

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